Many men are dissatisfied with the parameters of their penis and do not want to put up with it. Therefore, different techniques are used to help make the penis thicker and longer. Such a device as a penis enlargement pump is also widely used.
Principle of operation of the device
The pump is a cylindrical device. The device is designed to increase the length and width of the male penis, as well as to increase erection.
The pump works on a simple principle. When used, pressure is created around the male penis, which helps to increase blood flow, filling the corpora cavernosa with blood. The same thing happens as with an erection. The penis very quickly becomes hard, swells, which allows you to increase its parameters.
Types of pumps and pumping
The penis enlargement pump, regardless of the type, has a unique structural principle. It is a transparent bottle with centimeters on it. There are also devices that create a vacuum and maintain the required pressure.
There are three types of pumps:
- Manual. The vacuum is created using a piston or bulb. Such devices have a lower price, so they are often used. However, men have to wait quite a long time for the effect of their use.
- Automatically. With this type of pump, the pressure in the flask is created thanks to the electric pump that is already built into the device. Batteries are required for operation. Automatic devices are preferred, as they are highly efficient, allowing you to control pressure and suction power.
- Water. The latest type of pump. It differs in that water is used instead of air. This type of magnifier is safer, more effective, has few contraindications and lasts much longer than previous models.
Pumping is done in two ways. The first is called packaging. Its essence is to stretch the tunic and increase the penis in length, but not in width. For this, a narrow flask is used, in which the penis cannot swell from the side, but will be pulled upwards.
Safety precautions must be observed during exercise.

Another method is classic pumping. In this case, a wide bulb is used in which the penis has the ability to swell in all directions. This allows you to increase the width and length of your body.
Selection criteria
The pump-enlarger is chosen taking into account the size of the penis and the purpose of its use. Experts advise the following:
- The length of the device should be approximately 3 cm longer.
- The width should be 2 cm larger than the diameter of the penis.
- For beginners, it is recommended to choose the manual type of device, because it is the simplest.
The above penis sizes are taken into account only in the state of arousal.
When buying, you should pay attention to the materials from which the magnifying glass is made. The bottle must be strong enough to avoid accidental damage to the male organ.
It is not allowed to use a vacuum enlarger for men suffering from the following pathologies:
- thrombus formation.
- Fibrosis.
- Liver diseases.
- Kidney diseases.
- Diabetes.
- Pathology of the heart and blood vessels.
- Sexually transmitted diseases.
- Disorders in the work of urinary organs.
If a man is not sure that he can use a pump to increase the length and width of the penis, then it is worth visiting a doctor for an examination.
Pros and cons
The vacuum pump allows men not only to make their dignity longer and wider. The device also helps to improve erectile function, prolong sexual contact by reducing organ sensitivity. In addition, the device allows you to adjust the shape of the penis, even in the presence of curvature.
The negative aspects of the pump appear only when it is used improperly. Failure to follow the instructions entails many unpleasant consequences.
Effect of use
If you use the pump constantly, after 6 months the penis will change its size forever. In order to achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to simultaneously take drugs that increase the production of sex hormones in men. But this can be done only after consulting a doctor.

It is worth knowing that a pump and a penis enlargement pump are one and the same.
Those who have already tried the pump note that they managed to achieve the desired result. After six months, the length of the penis increases by 3 cm, and the thickness - by 2 cm.
Instructions for use
To use a vacuum pump for penis enlargement, you do not need any special skills. Before the procedure, the device should be treated with a lubricant to ensure gliding.
The male member should be lubricated with a special cream, the action of which enables the normalization of blood flow, increasing the flow of blood to the penis.
Then the penis is placed in the cylinder. Remove the air from the flask to create a vacuum environment. As soon as there is redness of the skin, you must wait 30 seconds and start the air. The procedure should not last longer than 15-20 minutes.
Possible consequences
It is not for nothing that a special instruction manual for the pump was created. Performing all manipulations strictly in accordance with it allows you to avoid harmful consequences. But sometimes men ignore the rules.
As a result, instead of the desired centimeters, the following is obtained:
- The appearance of a swollen ring at the bottom of the head of the penis. This is due to stagnation of lymphatic fluid. This phenomenon can occur even with proper use of the vacuum device. If this side effect occurs, you should stop using the device.
- Swelling of the penis due to the influx of a large amount of lymph.
- Deterioration of erectile function.
- Redness of the penis, occurrence of bleeding.
- Thrombosis. The disease is a huge threat to human life, but is extremely rare when using a pump.
To avoid negative consequences, it is important not only to use the pump correctly. It is also necessary not to ignore the presence of contraindications for its use. If they are, then you should look for other ways to enlarge your penis.
Home appliances
For men who do not want to spend money on buying a factory magnifier, there is an opportunity to make one yourself at home.
From the cuff pump
To create an airless environment, you must unroll the cuff pump, turn the cuff inside out. Then you have to reassemble the device, but in the reverse order.
Then you need to make a valve that is designed to release excess air. For this purpose, you can use the valve from the aquarium compressor. It must be connected to the application hose and sealed.
From the compressor
You can take the compressor from unnecessary refrigeration equipment. After removing the evaporator and condenser, cut the pipes connecting them. After that, connect the compressor to the mains.

The pump helps, but a greater effect is achieved by taking drugs containing testosterone at the same time as using the pump, or using an extender.
Get an air filter at any auto shop. It needs to be attached to the compressor opening. The filter must be connected to a rubber hose of the required size. Then it remains only to test the operation of the device.
With a syringe
Take a plastic tube, cut three pieces, each should be 10 cm in size, attach them to the T-es. The result is a tee with three branches.
Attach the spout of the syringe to the center stopcock. Install the valves on the side outlets made.
It is important that one opens, and the other - inwards. In order not to get confused in the future, you should draw arrows that will show the direction of the rays.
Using plastic bottles
A fairly simple penis enlargement pump can be made from ordinary plastic bottles. It is only important to choose different container sizes. The upper part should be cut off with a larger one to give it the shape of a cylinder.
Make holes in the bottom of the second bottle and insert it into the first container. It is important not to create a large gap between the walls. Next, you need to attach the hose to the large container. You can get it from a bicycle tire pump.
Instrument care
To extend the life of your magnifier, you need to take care of it properly. If the device has just been purchased and has not yet been used, it should be thoroughly washed with soap and water, then dried and treated with any antiseptic. Furthermore, it is necessary to wash the device after each use.
Do not treat the pump with hydrogen peroxide or boiling water, and use it during the grease lubrication process. Otherwise there is a high risk of damage.
Who and when proposed vacuum erection therapy and what is its meaning?
The idea of vacuum erection therapy was introduced into the practice of modern andrology by the American citizen G. Osbon, who used the first vacuum erector for his needs in the early 1960s. Mr. Osbon himself suffered from erectile dysfunction (ED), which at the time was thought to be largely psychogenic in origin. However, psychotherapy did not help Mr. Osbon, of course. he suffered from organic ED. Realizing that the erection of the penis occurs due to the flow of blood into it, the talented inventor proposed that if the penis is placed in a cylinder with sub-atmospheric pressure, blood will begin to flow into it under the action of a vacuum. , which should lead to an erection. This is how the first vacuum elector was created, which consists of a cylinder and a pump connected to each other. In the first half of the 1970s, serial production of vacuum prefabricated constructions by G. Osbon began. In addition to the device itself, this American inventor also created a technique for using it to overcome ED, which later became known as the Osbon technique. The purpose of vacuum erection therapy or the Osbon technique is to achieve an erection of the penis placed in a vacuum cylinder, as well as to maintain the erection achieved with the help of compression rings.
- 90% efficiency;
- It is not necessary to use drugs that have side effects;
- Non-aggressive method of treatment;
- It helps to create an erection while following all precautions.
Sex shops often advertise and sell vacuum pumps to increase potency. How effective are they?
First, you should know that all over the world, truly functional vacuum erectors for medical purposes (approved for medical use) are distributed only through doctors, health facilities or pharmacies. This is due to the fact that only a medical professional who is specially trained in the field of vacuum therapy in andrology can teach the effective and safe use of a vacuum erector. Second, sex shops are always interested in buying cheaper systems, which are mostly made in China and other Asian countries, in order to make more profit from sales. These systems are inexpensive for the following reasons:
- Cheap materials and poor workmanship and assembly.
- Low power of the pump, which is not able to create and maintain a sufficiently low pressure in the cylinder, which is necessary to ensure full blood flow to the penis and the beginning of an erection. Sometimes, instead of a pump, a simple rubber bulb is simply attached to a primitive little cylinder, which is not capable of creating any vacuum at all.
- Imperfect design and poor quality compression rings.
- Short shelf life.
Of course, no one in the sex shop can give you complete and true information about all the features of using a vacuum erector, because. this requires special education. Therefore, buying such a "sex-shop" vacuum cleaner will most likely be just a waste of money.
How is the vacuum erector used in the ED for vacuum erection therapy according to the Osbon method?
First of all, it should be understood that the vacuum erector, like all other conservative methods of treating ED or male impotence, does not cure completely, but only provides the possibility to achieve and maintain an erection necessary for sexual intercourse.
A vacuum lifter kit always includes a vacuum pump, vacuum cylinder, compression rings and water-soluble personal lubricant, instructions and/or a video cassette for using the device. Sometimes the kit is supplemented with a device for putting compression rings on the cylinder and some other devices. The use of a vacuum erector to achieve and maintain an erection, followed by sexual intercourse, involves several stages:
Stage 1. The compression ring is first placed on the lubricated lip of the vacuum cylinder. The penis is also lubricated with lubricant and placed inside the cylinder. With the help of a pump, a vacuum is created in the cylinder. It is important that air is not sucked in between the edge of the cylinder and the skin. To do this, the cylinder must be pressed quite strongly against the body, and the lubricant applied to the edge of the cylinder contributes to the tightness of the contact. Sometimes you should shave the skin around the penis. If necessary, the vacuum depth is adjusted using the pressure release button on the pump. Lubricating your penis with lubricant helps it slide better inside the cylinder when it starts to tighten.
Phase 2. Under the action of the vacuum, the penis is filled with blood and becomes erect. Working with a vacuum pump, the maximum possible tension of the penis should be achieved. The signal that the erection has reached its maximum is strength and moderate pain in the head of the penis. It should be understood that the erection achieved with the help of a vacuum erector may not be as full as your own erection that you had before the development of ED.
Phase 3. The compression ring is lowered from the cylinder to the base of the penis, which keeps this ring erect. The patient can have sexual intercourse. The compression ring can be on the penis for up to 30 minutes.
Stage 4. After sexual intercourse, the compression ring is removed, and the penis comes to a calm state.
When using a vacuum erector, it should be borne in mind that the presence of a compression ring on the penis for more than 30 minutes can lead to circulatory disorders and can cause problems such as swelling and even necrosis of the penile tissue, reduction of sensitivity of the glans penis, progression of scars in the cavernous bodies of the penisand worsening ED. Under no circumstances should you fall asleep after intercourse with the compression ring not removed from the penis.
For the convenience of using the vacuum elector and facilitating sexual intercourse, you should use the water-soluble lubricant that comes with the device. The size of the compression ring is selected individually depending on the diameter of the penis. It is possible to wear 2 compression rings at the same time.
For what other purposes can a vacuum erector be used in andrology?
Of course, the main area of application of the vacuum erector in andrology is its use to achieve an erection and sexual intercourse. This application area will be of interest to men who cannot achieve an erection on their own or suffer from ED. However, there are several other areas where the vacuum erector can be used by both healthy men and patients suffering from various penile diseases.
- vacuum massage. In our country, this area of vacuum erector use is called local negative pressure therapy or LNP therapy. Her idea is that periodic evacuation of the penis leads to the stretching of the cavernous tissue, improves its blood supply, increases its elasticity and gets rid of mild forms of organic ED, as well as prevention of erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, currently there is an insufficient number of scientific works that statistically correctly confirm the correctness of this idea. However, we believe that this area of application of the vacuum erector is justified and we recommend our patients to use the vacuum erector both to prevent ED and to improve the quality of their own erection. Sometimes LOD-therapy is used in the complex treatment of organic ED together with erection pills and intracavernous pharmacotherapy.
- Penis enlargement. According to some researchers, penile suction, stretching of the corpora cavernosa, increases the length and width of the penis. As in the case of vacuum massage, not all researchers agree on the advisability of using a vacuum erector for penis enlargement. There is no generally accepted technique for using a vacuum elector for this purpose. However, it is known that vacuum erection therapy is well known as an auxiliary method of penis enlargement, used in combination with surgical enlargement.
- Penis straightening. With congenital (intracavernous chorda) or acquired (Peyronie's disease) curvature of the penis, when its deviation from the horizontal axis does not exceed 45 °, according to some researchers, it is possible to effectively use a vacuum erector to straighten the penis.
- Overcoming premature ejaculation. In the presence of premature ejaculation, the penis can be kept erect with the help of compression rings that are included in the vacuum erector kit and are placed on the base of the penis after erection.
- Free erection. A vacuum erector can be used to "complete" one's own erection if it is not strong enough or to achieve better glans swelling in patients who have had a penile prosthesis.
- Sexual rehabilitation program after radical prostatectomy and other radical surgeries for malignant tumors of the pelvic organs.
In recent years, due to the improvement in the quality of prostate cancer diagnostics, this disease is more often detected at an early stage, when it can with a high probability be completely cured with the help of radical prostatectomy. The disadvantage of this operation is that 20-100% of those operated on, depending on the operation technique and the surgeon's experience, develop erectile dysfunction. If the patient is included in the erectile function rehabilitation program in the first months after surgery, the chance of reestablishing his own erection increases significantly. This program, an integral part of which is the use of a vacuum erector, is described in detail on our website in the section Prevention of urological diseases.
What does the penis look like after a vacuum pump?
Side effects:
- Not enough hardness at the base of the penis;
- Red and purple spots appear on the skin;
- Unpleasant feeling of erection;
- Skin color darkens, becomes dry and numb;
- Decreased erection for a short time;
- Pain from a hematoma on the penis.
Camping concept
Tightening is a method by which men manage to increase the thickness of their penis. This method is considered really extreme, so many doctors are against such experiments. Natural penis enlargement is done by creating high blood pressure in the penis.

Doctors warn that this technique is not for beginners. The consequences can be dire
The procedure is carried out strictly according to the established technique. If you deviate from it, the risk of developing serious consequences increases. This includes:
- A change in the color of the skin of the organ to a dark shade.
- Numbness of the head.
- Hematoma formation in the genital area.
- Congestive blood processes in the tissues of the penis.
- Damage and rupture of capillaries.
- Worsening of erection.
In order to avoid such complications when practicing contractions, you must first try gentler methods, for example, jelqing, Julie.
Preparation for therapy
Before starting the session, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Only a specialist will be able to examine the patient and identify contraindications to the use of vacuum therapy. Sometimes the cause of contraindications can be psychological aspects that are easily eliminated.
Before using the pump, wash it with warm water and soap. It is forbidden to boil or pour boiling water over it. Also, you cannot use the pump for more than one person. The pump is quite fragile and must be handled with care and not dropped. The vacuum must be stored in a dark and dry place at a temperature not exceeding 35 degrees.
Procedure performance algorithm:
- Before installing the pump, it is better to lubricate its base with a special lubricant;
- Too much grease will render the vacuum pump unusable;
- Place the penis on the base of the pump and press it firmly against the scrotum;
- Before starting the session, it is necessary to lubricate the penis with oil to increase the blood supply;
- Then it is necessary to pump out the air from the pump, which increases the pressure in the pump and creates blood flow to the organ;
- With your left hand, hold the vacuum, and with the other, with the help of a pear, you need to pump out the air from the inside;
- In the flask, the hole must be tightened, and if there is a valve, then close it;
- During the session, you can notice a slight increase in erection and hyperemia of the penis. After half a minute, you must open the valve and let air enter the flask;
- The procedure takes about 20 minutes. During this period, an erection may occur approximately 20 times per minute.
There are a number of diseases, conditions in which the use of such a device is not recommended. Absolute contraindications include:
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- thrombosis, atherosclerosis.
- Dilated pelvic veins.
- Diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature.
- Diseases of the genital area (urological nature).
- The presence of tumor formations of different origin.
- Childhood or adolescence.
- Mental disorders.
- Violation of blood clotting.
Also, classes are not performed if they bring discomfort, are accompanied by the appearance of pain. In this case, it will not bring benefits, but only harm human health.
There are no other serious contraindications, the device can be used by men of different ages from 18 to 65 years.